Exploring Neuroscience Through ArtTM
by Michelle Hunter
This current series of paintings has been a ton of fun to work on. It has presented opportunities for scientific learning and conceptual visual challenges.
The Brain Series deconstructs familiar themes related to how our brains function. The series has addressed memory, alcohol, music, smoking, among other topics so far.
Click on the images below to learn more about the works.
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Brain painting inspired by Francis Picabia's painting titled Aello

30" x 24" || Acrylic on stretched canvas || Our brain is as unique to each of us as our fingerprint. Our experiences overtime form a brain that is one-of-a-kind to each of us. With this thought in mind, I wanted this new brain painting to be in the composition of my own fingerprint. The finger I chose to use for this was my thumbprint.

20" x 24" || Acrylic on stretched canvas || How do you react when you hear an unpleasant sound? For example: Nails on a chalkboard Child crying at a high pitch Metal against glass Brakes screeching

20" x 20" || Acrylic on Canvas || When someone says to you "Don't look over there." What's the first thing you do? You look over there (or at least have a strong desire to)! Of course, because for our minds, it's easier to process something positive rather than negative.

20" x 24" || Acrylic on stretched canvas || Ever get that painful feeling by your forehead, lasting less than a minute, when you consume these treats too fast? Yes, brain freeze can be painful. I represented that in my latest Brain Series painting with icicles going into ones forehead. The culprit, ice cream...chocolate ice cream with sprinkles arranged as an image of the brain.

20" x 24" || Acrylic on stretched canvas || While depression was already a topic in my Brain Series queue, starting it was sparked by the death of a good friend who suffered from depression. Finishing it took a good amount of will from me....Read more on my blog.

24 " x 20" || Acrylic on stretched canvas || Got dots? Our visual cortex is located at the back of our brains and covers both left and right hemispheres. By knowing just that bit of information, I wanted the the angle of the head to be 3/4 profile from the back. Read more on my blog.

12" x 12" || Acrylic on Stretched Canvas || For this submission to the 2012 SCOPE New York Art Show, I wanted to do a brain painting in the style of Opt-Art. Read more on my blog.

12" x 12" || Acrylic on Stretched Canvas || For this submission to the 2012 SCOPE New York Art Show, I wanted to do a brain painting inspired by the vegetable, cauliflower.

24" x 20" || Acrylic on Stretched Canvas || The National Institutes of Health released a press release in May 2011 on the impact of secondhand smoke on the brain. Being around secondhand smoke regularly could create behavioral patterns. Read more on my blog.

24" x 20" || Acrylic on Stretched Canvas || If you are a smoker, ever wonder where that "feel good feeling" comes from? My latest painting in my ongoing Brain Series helps describe what's going on. Read more on my blog.

24" x 24" || Acrylic on Stretched Canvas || This painting came a long way. Things were smooth sailing until I hit the part with the grill. Did not anticipate having to make SOOO many circles and how long that process was going to take. The concept, was to paint what parts of the brain are most active when it comes to music. Read more on my blog.

20" x 20" || Acrylic on Stretched Canvas || Now if you know anything about me, other than I'm an artist, you would know that I LOVE sleep. Sleep is awesome and one of the best things in the world. We spend about one-third of our lives sleeping,so this is a topic we all can relate to. Read more on my blog.

20" x 20" || Acrylic on Stretched Canvas || Can I get you a drink? It's on me ;) Most of the time, getting a drink feels like putting on a band-aid on to help cover up whatever is going on. Read more on my blog.

39" x 16" || Acrylic on Stretched Canvas || Sometimes I remember something with little effort yet most of the time, it takes several links being connected for a memory to come back. I know at least that I have plenty of company when it comes to such things. Read more on my blog.

24 " x 24" || Acrylic on Stretched Canvas || Me: Hi...My name is Michelle Audience: Hi Michelle Me: Hi. I've been addicted to caffeine and didn't even realize it until I started getting these migraines.... And that folks is the inspiration for this latest painting called "Caffeine Headache." Read more on my blog.
All works on this website are copyright Michelle Hunter and may not be reproduced without express written permission from the artist herself.